Sunday, February 15, 2009

Preparing for our Journey

Two months before our journey begins the student delegation meets to prepare for their experience in Israel. Each student has a journal to begin to record their thoughts, hopes, dreams and lessons about their upcoming trip. The journal will include the student entrees before their trip, during the trip and their conclusions following the trip.

Israeli geography and the political situation were the topics of our first meeting. We continued our conversations about life in Israel, similarities and differences, we played a myth or reality match up game about Israeli culture, watched and discussed a pictorial guide of the ancient and the modern sites of Israel, and enjoyed a power point presentation about a past VBS Day School delegation to Israel. One meeting was spent on strategies to problem solve while in Israel, dealing with homesickness, communication with home, what to pack, and partnership guidelines and policies.
To the left is a picture from the special math class with Mr. David Selski. Mr. Selski taught the important conversion skills we will need in Israel, converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, kilometers to miles and shekels to dollars.


  1. Thank you Tamar for posting this blog. It is going to be great to be able to see pics and hear whats going on with Shelby while she is in Israel. Thanks for putting this together!

  2. I am very excited to go to Israel with my VBS students. I am counting the days!!!!!!!!!

  3. Let's hope Shelby's luggage only weighs 50lbs!!!!(LOL)......I think her backpack will probably weigh that much!!!
